Many of my puppy adopters ask me to give them a list of things they will need
for their new puppy. So I decided to place a list on my site for easy access to
help you get started with your new bundle of joy!
Before getting to the list I would like to list the items you will get with your new puppy.
You will get a neat puppy pack that includes: sample puppy food (Royal Canin Small Breed Puppy) that will last several days, AKC papers, shot records, worming records,
2 page information sheet on puppy care, health certificate from my vet, harness, toy, chew bone, sample NuVet Plus vitamins, health guarantee and your contract/receipt.
Now keep in mind these are basic supplies that I purchased with my new
baby Cavaliers. You may have additional items you would like to get.
Click here to find all the items listed below:
**Don't forget to make your vet appointment before picking up your puppy.
They will need to be vet check within 4 days of receiving them.
Items for New Puppy
1. Crate - I suggest a medium crate (30 inch) so the puppy will never outgrow it. I also prefer the wire crates as opposed to shipping crates. They are more "airy" and the puppy doesn't feel so secluded from you.
2. Blanket or Bedding - I love the fake lambskin beds you can buy for the crates. I prefer white/cream as you can wash them with a little bleach and they stay clean as a whistle not to mention bleach kills germs.
3. Toys - I start you off with one chew toy but you will need lots of these. Puppies are teething so they need lots of toys to chew on. I love the Kong chew toys. You can find them at most pet stores and they have puppy sizes. You can put a little peanut butter in it and the puppy will chew it for days! Make sure the toys are not too small that the puppy could swallow and choke on them.
4. Chew Bones - I really like the Nylabones and will include one in your puppy kit. I have included a link above if you would like to order them. You can also find them at most petstores. These bones are completely edible and will not cause choking or upset tummies. Please do not give your puppy rawhide or pig ears. These CAN cause choking are are not easily digested.
5. Shampoo - I suggest baby or puppy shampoo. It will be mild on their skin and also if you were to accidently get some in their eyes it would not burn them. You really don't have to use conditioner but if you decide to, I would use a really mild brand. Your new puppy will need to be bathed about every two weeks. Over bathing causes dry flaky skin.
6. Combs/Brushes - I use a brush with prongs on one side and bristles on the other. The prongs work nicely on the ears and the brush on the body coat. I also have a metal comb that I use for the ears. The more you comb/brush their ears the longer they will grow.
7. Puppy Food - I will start you with a sample bag of Royal Canin Small Breed Puppy. You can find it at most pet stores. I really love Royal Canin and so do my puppies. If you have another brand you prefer you can switch them over but it will need to be done gradually. You will receive an email directly from the company so you can save $$$ and order straight from them. (cuts out middleman)
8. Water and Food Bowls - I use stainless steel, glass or ceramic bowls. I find that puppies love to chew the plastic ones.
9. Collar and Leash - Remember you will receive a halter and leash in your puppy pack which should last several months. Your puppy will not be leashed trained when you get him/her. They are so easy to keep up with at this young age but you will soon need to work on training. They are very easy to leash train. Once they get older and are fully trained then a regular collar works great.
10. Toothbrush and toothpaste -If is imperative that you brush your puppy's teeth. Periodontal disease can lead to heart disease.
11. Travel Crate - If you plan on doing any traveling with your puppy you may want to pick up a crate for this. There are travel crates that work great for cars and planes. Some are made of soft plastic and others made of the hard plastic. It would be your preference.
12. Nail Clippers - This is only if you feel comfortable clipping your puppy's nails. You just have to make sure you do not clip their nails too short as it will hurt them and cause bleeding.
13. Exercise pen - These are great for outside (if you don't have a fenced in yard) or inside using a pee pad. Especially if you are having a busy day or if there is bad weather.
14. Towels - You may want to pick up a couple of extra towels for drying the puppy off after bathing for if you have an old towel that works fine too.
15. NuVet Plus Vitamins - I highly recommend these vitamins. All of my dogs are on NuVet Plus and I am very pleased with the results. From their shiny coats to their excellent vet checks these vitamins are great. I will give you a sample with your puppy pack but if you would like to order ahead click on this link. I also give an extra year health guarantee if you place your puppy on them.
Click here to order:
This is all I can think of at the moment. If anything else comes to mind I will update.
Enjoy your new baby!!
God Bless!